SHRM2010 Annual Conference and Expo

Closing General Session with Marcus Buckingham
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Marcus Buckingham has dedicated his career to helping individuals discover and capitalize on their personal strengths. Hailed as a visionary by corporations such as Toyota, Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, and Disney, he has helped to usher in the “strengths revolution,” persuasively arguing that people are dramatically more effective, fulfilled and successful when they are able to focus on the best of themselves.

Buckingham’s latest book, Find Your Strongest Life: What the World’s Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently, tackles head-on the numerous studies revealing a drastic decline in female happiness over the last 40 years, and offers strategies for reversing this disturbing trend.

In his nearly two decades as a Senior Researcher at Gallup Organization, Buckingham studied the world’s best managers and organizations to investigate what drives great performance. His research laid the foundation for a string of New York Times best-selling books that use empirical data to challenge preconceptions about achievement.

A member of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Leadership and Management, Marcus Buckingham graduated from Cambridge University with a Master’s Degree in Social and Political Science.

Visit Marcus' website at www.tmbc.com.

Presenter: Marcus Buckingham
Credits: 0.00
Location: San Diego Convention Center

High Commitment, High Performance:How to Build a Resilient Organization for Sustained Advantage
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Michael Beer, Ph.D., is an emeritus professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School and chairman of True-Point, a research based consultancy he co-founded. Before joining the faculty of HBS, Beer founded and served as director of the organizational research and development department at Corning Inc. Beer has authored nine books and served as senior author of the groundbreaking Managing Human Assets, the first book to frame human resource management as a general management responsibility.

To make an important strategic contribution to the organization you are serving, you must help general managers — CEOs, business unit managers and operating managers — build a resilient high commitment, high performance (HCHP) organization. These organizations are able to achieve sustained advantage. Taking key findings from his recent book High Commitment, High Performance, Beer will present three essential organizational outcomes you must help your business partner achieve and the silent managerial and organizational barriers that his research shows stand in the way. He will discuss principled choices leaders must make if you aspire to build a strong organization and five change levers leaders must employ to achieve sustained change. You will learn about the role and methods you can employ to help your business partners diagnose your organization and transform it.

Presenter: Dr. Michael Beer, Ph.D.
Credits: 2.00
Location: San Diego Convention Center

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SHRM201 Annual Conference

Making the Most of Your Talent Management
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Unnecessary review surprises result in frustration, low morale and turnover! Even the best talent management system alone will not cure all your employee performance woes, but it can be a big step in the right direction. Derek Dozer will discuss how his company automated and simplified their performance and talent management processes, while fostering a performance driven environment. If you need tools to help you become a better strategic talent management leader this session is a must.

Presenter: Derek Dozer, SPHR, HR manager, Clow Water Systems Company, Coshocton, Ohio
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center

General Session with Angelia Herrin
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Angelia Herrin will be moderating a deeply informative panel of high-profile C-Suite level executives from a variety of industries in a discussion that will highlight their challenges, victories, and strategies as they crafted the role that HR plays within their
organization and industry.

Herrin is Editor, Research and Special Projects, at Harvard Business Review. Her journalism experience spans 20 years, primarily with Knight-Ridder newspapers and USA TODAY.

Executive Panelists Include:
Michele Toth Vice President Human Resources and Administration (HR&A), Northrop Grumman Information Systems

Shannon Deegan
Director of People Operations — Strategy, M&A and Staffing, Google

Conrad Venter, Head of HR, Deutsche Bank AG

Paul Records, Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, Kaiser Permanente

Presenter: Angelia Herrin
Credits: 0.00
Location: San Diego Convention Center

Inclusive Workplaces = Productivity and Innovation
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Research has shown that diverse teams can lead to innovative approaches to problem
solving and increased productivity. Companies that are able to engage the hearts and minds of employees, embrace, value and respect diversity will win the war for talent. Mr. Dorland will engage you with the importance of developing an inclusive workforce. He will present practical strategies: to recruit a diverse applicant base, for bias aware screening and interviewing; and tactics for on-boarding your new employee.

Presenter: John C. Dorland, senior associate, Graybrdige Malkam, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center

Mastering M&A: Cross-Cultural Dimensionsof Mergers and Acquisitions
2:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Fons Trompenaars, Ph.D., is the world authority on managing cultural diversity for profitability. As managing director of Trompenaars Hampden-Turner Intercultural Management Consulting and an acclaimed author and advisor, he works with major global corporations on opportunities presented by cultural differences. As U.S. organizations continue to explore overseas business opportunities, they will be challenged to adapt to the new market’s local characteristics, legislation, fiscal regime, sociopolitical environment, and cultural system.

Trompenaars will show how widely cultures can differ and, by reconciling the dilemmas created by that difference, how rapidly and effectively they can be integrated. Cross-cultural issues assume huge significance in any cross-national merger and acquisition activity. M&A is one of the key instruments of globalization and a critical route to business and economic growth, yet all too frequently vital cultural issues are all too frequently buried beneath management obsession with the legal, financial and operational obstacles. Up to 50% of mergers and acquisitions fail to meet the objectives of any of the parties involved and the principle source of that failure is a collective inability to merge cultures successfully.

Presenter: Dr. Fons Trompenaars, Ph.D.
Credits: 2.00
Location: San Diego Convention Center

Global Early Talent Development — The Novartis Case
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Novartis, a worldwide leader in the pharmaceutical sector, is very deliberate about its Global Early Talent Development (GETD) efforts as a part of its overall performance and talent management system. Through this session you will understand Novartis’ GETD philosophy and framework, and how a methodology applied across boundaries
— in China, Southeast Asia and Latin America — leads to economies of scale, networking and cross-fertilization, while accommodating demographic trends, company goals and values, and promoting diversity.

Presenter: Marcelo Fumasoni, head Human Resources Latin America, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., Miami, Fla.
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center


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SHRM Annual Conference 2010


Creating a Culture of Engagement: The Human Resource Leader’s New Strategic Role
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM

In tough times it’s especially critical to acquire new customers while keeping the old ones coming back. But to build loyalty, companies need to engage their customers with great experiences. This requires a high level of employee commitment to customers and the company. Learn how you can partner with your organization’s leaders to execute a successful engagement strategy that will keep your company thriving even in the worst of times.

Presenter: Tom Roth, president of Global Solutions Group, Wilson Learning, Edina, Minn.
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center

General Session with Al Gore
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM

The world’s most influential voice on climate change, an advisor to leaders in Congress, and heads of state throughout the world, former Vice President Al Gore offers a unique perspective on national and international affairs. Vice President Gore is co-founder and Chairman of Generation Investment Management, a firm that is focused on a new approach to Sustainable Investing.

He is also co-founder and Chairman of Current TV, an Emmy-award winning, independently owned cable and satellite television network for young people based on viewer created content and citizen journalism. Vice President Gore is Chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection, a member of the board of Apple, a senior advisor to Google, and visiting professor at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Vice President Gore is the author of An Inconvenient Truth, a best-selling book on the threat of and solutions to global warming, and the subject of the movie of the same title, which has already become one of the top documentary films in history. In 2007, An Inconvenient Truth was awarded two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Best Original Song. His newest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, gathers in one place all of the most effective solutions that are available now and that, together, will help solve the climate crisis.

Since his earliest days in the U. S. Congress 30 years ago, Al Gore has been the leading advocate for confronting the threat of global warming. His pioneering efforts were outlined in his best-selling book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (1992). He led the Clinton-Gore Administration's efforts to protect the environment in a way that also strengthens the economy.

Presenter: Al Gore
Credits: 0.00
Location: San Diego Convention Center

The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations That Deliver Value To Employees, Customers, Investors, And Communities
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

The economic recession has left many employees in psychological recessions dominated by deficit-thinking and a focus on what is missing. When employees work within meaning-laden contexts they are more productive, customers are more satisfied, investors are more confident, and communities are better-served. Drawing on diverse disciplines and research, we suggest seven questions you can encourage line managers to address to cultivate employee meaning. For each of these questions, we will suggest
tools to enhance meaning and help create abundant organizations. The session will be concrete with specific actions for redefining the meaning of work for employees and the role of leaders as meaning makers.

Presenter: Dave Ulrich, professor of business, the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan; and Wendy Ulrich, Ph.D., founder, Sixteen Stones Center for Growth, Alpine, Utah
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center

30+ Tools and Techniques for Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in 75 Minutes
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

A recent survey shows that over 75% of meeting attendees want practical, take home information that can be put to immediate use without a lot of effort and will produce positive bottom-line results. We saw the survey, we took action, and here is a fast-paced, entertaining program that will provide a positive ROI. We guarantee to
give you over 30 of our best ideas on how to recruit, select and retain top talent to help your grow your business, improve your bottom line, make your life easier and make going to work every day more FUN.

Presenter: Mel Kleiman, president, Humetrics, Sugar Land, Texas
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center

Show Me, Don’t Tell Me: Creating A Phenomenal Candidate Experience To Help You Attract And Hire Top Candidates
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

We all talk a good game. We write introductions to our job postings that make our company sound amazing and put employee testimonials on our careers website to highlight our great culture. But, candidates are savvier today; they look beyond our hype for signs that we’re really the attractive employer we say we are. So, how can we
engage, interview, and sell candidates in an authentic but compelling way, so that we can hire the best?

Presenter: John Vlastelica, senior director, Global Talent Acquisition, Expedia, Inc., Bellevue, Wash.
Credits: 1.25
Location: San Diego Convention Center


SHRM2010 大会参加メモ その1 はじめに
SHRM2010 大会参加メモ その2  第1日
 6月27日付「SHRM2010 大会参加メモ その1 はじめに」の続き。参加したセッションを軽く紹介し、さらっと感想を綴っておきたい。

SHRM Annual Conference – World’s Largest HR Conference Offering HR Speakers, Sessions, Training and Networking Opportunities

San Diego Convention Centerは観光地Gaslamp Quarterのすぐ南側、海に面したところにある。日本で近いイメージのところを言えば、横浜のみなとみらい地区、あるいはお台場の国際展示場というところ。

 受付でチェックインを済ませて資料一式を受取る。海外からの参加者用に設置されたGlobal Networking Loungeに行き、首から吊す参加者用パスに"International Attendee"と"First Time Attendee"のリボンをつけてもらう。

10:00-11:00 International Orientation
 International Attendee向けのConerence Orientationに出席。大会の概要にプラス、海外からの参加者向けに簡単なクロスカルチャー的な解説。参加者同士声をかけあって挨拶する時にファーストネームで呼ぶのは親愛のあらわれだとか、握手する時に手に力を込めないと信頼できないと思われる可能性があるから注意しろとか、相手の目を見て話せとか。あと、服装コードはビジネスカジュアルと説明されていたが、Tシャツにジーンズもよく見かけるので推奨されるドレスコードよりはずっとカジュアル。

11:00-12:00 Conference Orientation
オリエンテーションは受けたわけだが、Keith Ferrazziが面白いからこっちも出てみないかとIさんに誘われた。


 ちなみに、今大会のキャッチコピーは「A New Time for Growth/A New Focuson HR」。リーマンショック以降の経済危機の中でずっとダウンサイジングが続いて、職場の人間関係にも不信感が生まれ、ぎすぎすしてしまった。金銭的なインセンティブだけで社員を動機づけるのも限界にきている。やはり、働くことの意味


12:30~14:00 Super Sunday Sessions
 4つの大きめな講演会。自分は「21st Century Leadership for a 21st Century Workforce」を聴く。プレゼンターはShirly A. Davis, Ph.D., director, Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives, SHRM, Alexandria, Va.。

14:30-16:00 Opening General Session with Steve Forbes

 今日のゲストスピーカーはForbesの社長兼CEOで雑誌"Forbes"の編集長、Steve Forbes。首に頸椎カラーを巻いて登場、「最近の株価のせいではない」と一発ジョークをかませる。

 セッション終了後、SHRMの米国以外の活動を担当しているBrian Gray, VP of Global Membership ProgramへのIさんのインタビューを手伝った。




6月26日(土)から6月30日(水)までサンディエゴ・コンベンション・センターで開催されている62th SRHRM Annual Conference & Expositionに参加中。

SHRMとは、Society for Human Resources Managementの略。人材マネジメント協会というところか米国を中心に世界各地の、企業人事の実務家や大学教授・コンサルタントなどが参加している任意の職業団体。





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